Sunday, 18 February 2007

This blog is changing

So...this blog, despite being just over a week old is already moving on. It has packed its bags, called a taxi and is on it's way to the airport to start a new life. There will be little more rambling about online journalism, but fear not, where there is Todd Nash, there will be rambling.

The blog now concerns itself with my new job title, Correspondent for Crime and Emergency Services for our news website, UCE News. The site can be found here:

UCE News

I think that is it anyway, we are still ironing out the details. So from now on, instead of rambling about the virtues of Online Journalism, I will be an Online Journalist. I will report to this blog with my tales of journalistic woe and rant about people that do not tell me what I want to know. So mostly press officers then.

Anyways, thats about all I have to say for this particular blog, except that I am also creating a fanzine for five-a-side football heroes Perry Barcelona. Ask for more detail!

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