Saturday, 10 March 2007

Do I? Don't I?

I have been deliberating over whether to post this video that Neil Timms and I made during our lesson on Thursday. My reasons for are that:

  • We are supposed to

  • We've been told that it is very funny

  • It shows that I can, at least, work a video camera basically

  • It forms the beginning of my video work for the module

  • It adds some personality to the blog, and puts a face to a name

My reasons against are:

  • It's very silly

  • It will waste the time of anyone professional who reads this blog

  • It's very silly

Well here it is, I may regret this, but I am posting it. Keep in mind that it is not a serious piece of work, more a satire of our actual roles for the website. Enjoy:

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