Thursday, 22 March 2007

Hold the front page

My faithful audience, Iv neglected you of late. I would like to be able to say that it is because Iv been horribly ill, or on holiday to some distant part of the world for the last ten days, but I wont lie to you. Iv had deadlines coming out of my ears, and to be honest, havnt really been in the uni spirit lately. But Im coming back with a vengence, for I have news to tell. I can tell that you've been missing your updates into my sordid life.

My stories have been reaching large audiences. You may recall me pipping the Birmingham Mail to a story found on their own forum? Well that story made it onto Journalism news website Hold the Front Page. I thought that was pretty damn cool!

Also in the news update stakes, Azeem and I will be guest editors of local news website, The Stirrer, which will be an exciting challenge as it currently gets around 400,000 hits every month. Not exactly a small operation to be running!

In the news leads stakes, Im currently working on one good one. I was playing football last night for my team, Perry Barcelona, and got talking to one of their players who told me that they had been the victims of a racist attack at the brand new goals centre. So I'm following that one up with him, and it sounds like it could be quite a good, fresh, story as none of the other local media have covered it. Will get on the blower to Goals themselves and get myself a juicy little story!

Until next time

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